For e-Physicians
Who is an e-physician?
An e-physician is a doctor who uses data from an e-patient’s digital devices in the treatment and care. He or she also helps the patient choose the right smart health devices and mobile apps and teaches them how to use them correctly. It also draws the patient’s attention to relevant and competent websites.

The e-health professional also provides advice, diagnostics, and therapy using electronically accessible medical data through online communication. Not an e-physician who only uses the tools of online communication (e.g., e-mail, telephone, video call) to consult with the patient. Currently, few doctors offer their patients a smart health tool or app, and even fewer use the data they receive in their care. If you want to change that, we can help.
The e-Patient Bar also offers a working association for e-physicians
We also aim to promote e-physician attitudes, which includes supporting the selection and helping to use valid smart health solutions correctly for doctors who want to implement these in their treatment.
A recent survey, commissioned by a noted smartwatch company, showed that 60 percent of respondents would or have seen a doctor based on the results from their smartwatch. The survey also showed that respondents trust the health measurements of their smart devices, which are increasingly becoming part of everyday life. The survey found that three-quarters of respondents trust their smart watch or smart ring readings: 42% check their device’s health readings at least weekly and nearly a third check their readings daily. Around three-quarters of respondents consider smart devices to be a useful partner for health and exercise. Almost half of users say they feel that their lives have changed positively as a result of using their devices.
And then the people who are not experts do not even know whether the expensive smart device, selected even after a lengthy search, is professionally reliable and provides really valid data. How to use it correctly? And how many other valid smart device options they don’t even know about…