Our goals, mission
Patients need to be involved in their own health and in the management of their disease: e-Health provides reliable data, a platform, and scientifically validated information – through our citizen’s ICT (information communications technology) tools. Those who use it become the e-patient. The doctor who accepts and receives this health data and uses it in treatment is the e-physician. It is not true that the older generation does not use their mobile phones! But if they don’t, they can be taken care of – with mobile phones, and smart health devices! In other words, we can be e-patients with them!
The e-Patient Bar solutions to help you do this:
- Continuous selection and presentation of valid smart healthcare devices to doctors and patients alike, from the myriad of e-medicine solutions
- Educating and training e-patients to use the proposed e-health solutions
- Supporting e-physicians (with smart tools, and information) to manage the e-patients
- Developing and supporting patient care (and telemedicine) using valid smart devices, apps
- Supporting the uptake of telemedicine using smart health tools/applications, especially in areas where access to healthcare is not as good as expected
- Selecting from hundreds of thousands of valid health apps and continuously testing, recommending, and presenting them
- Demonstrate the benefits of e-medicine to healthcare managers and stakeholders
- Promote the development of guidelines and minimum requirements for telemedicine and e-health
- Facilitating the development of e-health (e-medicine) in our country

Together we must change the fact that life expectancy in the EU is 81 years, while in Hungary it is 5 years less. We also must change the fact that we are among the EU leaders in mortality from many diseases, despite the fact that the vast majority of innovative medicines for chronic diseases are available in Hungary.